Sunday, January 08, 2012

First Festival Night or is that Festival First Night?

The name is tonight, the first night of the Sydney Festival. It started off with a real crowd-pleaser with 'the troc' occurring in Elizabeth St, near Martin Place. (There were other events occurring around the city as well, but this was the one most appealing to me.) Trocadero dancing is what they describe what occurred during the late 30s, the 40s, and some of the 50s. So, early rock 'n' roll dancing. Unfortunately there is only the one performance of this dancing this year at the festival (tonight's event), with last year there being 4 performances at the Sydney Town Hall. Apparently there were meant to be more, but they cut it back. Silly move, the crowd would have wanted more, and probably come to more. Anyway, these are the photos for today's challenge, showing off some of the lovely sights of this evening.

'the troc' from way back in Martin Place. Big crowd.

'the troc' - anyone want to dance?

The band has started, and dancing is underway.

The dancers were great!

My friend, Faye, showing off St Mary's Cathedral, all lit up.

In front of St Mary's Cathedral.
Hope you enjoy today's photos for the challenge. So far, so good for the challenge, as there has been no slacking, though the uploading is taking a while to get there. Didn't get home until after midnight, so give me a break about today, please.

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