Sunday, January 29, 2012

Choices, Choices...

If it's one thing some women can't decide on it's who is the best hero out of certain shows. It is easily the case for two certain gentlemen who have been in several shows before and after the roles they are depicted in below. However, for fans of period drama shows, these two gentlemen (the characters, not the men) are definitely up there are the definitive hero. Who can, after all, dispute that Fitzwilliam Darcy (Colin Firth, Pride and Prejudice, 1995) and John Thornton (Richard Armitage, North and South, 2004) aren't two of the nicest guys out there?

So...if it came down to choosing, who would you pick? The quiet, brooding, well-mannered but shy...hang on...isn't that both of them? At times, definitely. Oh dear...they certainly are qualities women go for when escaping in a book.

Good luck in deciding.

As you can see, the Enchanted Serenity of Period Films created this poster, and there is a bit of a poll going on here, if you would like to participate (on Facebook).

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