Sunday, January 15, 2012

Here they are

So, the photos that were meant to be put up yesterday are finally here. They'll be explained as they are 'listed'. Enjoy.

10th January:

Sunset where I was staying

11th January: photo I forgot.

12th January:

Going 'home' from 'town' - that was sunset

13 January: Horror Night at 'Old Dubbo Gaol'

We were entertained about stories of prisoners by the 'Governor'

Prisoners who's stories we were told about

A little bit of mischief made by the people who run the Gaol

The 'Condemned Man' in his cell - actually based on a prisoner

14th January: Coming back to Sydney

A beautiful day around Lake Windamere

At the top of Mount Victoria, with fog starting to appear...

...and getting thicker...

...and continuing on...

The fog kept on going until down past 450m in elevation. Got to love driving the Blue Mountains in summer, when anything can happen!

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