Friday, October 22, 2004

Well, it's getting towards the end of the year at UNE. Exams are approaching, but nothing major for me at the moment. I have assignments I have to do first. Plus, I only have one exam, on the 18th November. Unfortunately, that is right in the middle of my Second Prac for this year.

I've prac'ed at Quirindi High so far, and now I'm going to go into Kirrawee High on the 8th November for four weeks, + a couple of days.

Anyway, assignments await, as well as going Up Top to do some researching about certain things. Ciao.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

This is me.

Hello there, how's it going?

I see that you have stumbled onto my little own piece of the internet. Nothing exciting happening, though, as you can probably tell. in Armidale is pretty enjoyable at the moment, apart from the usual assignments, etc, that life deals to you while at Uni, so...I'll be going now.
