Thursday, January 26, 2012

Another important message through film...

This film starts with being flippant and cheeky. It's to catch your attention. But the message is important and poignant the further it goes. Growing up in Australia, I've had to watch being out in the sun for too long so often due to my skin - I burn easily and it is a killer.

You may already know this video - it's been widely shown on facebook and twitter, as well as being sent around through email, no doubt. Yet, you can never show this message too often: cover up in the sun, or else you may have to suffer consequences like those demonstrated in this film.

You may not like the message in the end, but it's an important one. It's one that should be told in all countries where being 'sun smart' is being intelligent and not going out and getting horribly burned and tanned. Having a tan is fine. But I hope you don't end up with these consequences. Not saying you will...but you never can tell...

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