Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Star Wars - Episode Three

What can I say without giving too much away? Hmmm...

I went and saw 'Star Wars' last night, and enjoyed it fairly well. It was better than one and two, but there are certain things, scenes, that could have been better done, acted, or scripted. One thing that I didn't really think was well done was the point when Anakin became an apprentice to the Dark Side. Yes, you see it happen, but the scene that it occurred in, it...well...wasn't quite right for me. And then there is the whole twins that look full term babies, but, well, Padme looks about seven months when she gives birth....Hmmm...

But all in all, a much better film than the first two. Better scripted, better thought out perhaps. Episode Six is still my favourite, but I will have to see Episode Three again to actually make up my mind fully, and to understand what happens in it properly, to make sure that I don't judge it any more harshly than what I have done already.

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