Saturday, May 14, 2005

It's a lovely day today...

Well, actually, it is. For the last three days Armidale has been shrouded in terrible, miserable weather, not knowing sometimes whether it wanted to rain or not. However, today the sun is shining after that interlude, making it seem as though the Weather was just getting ready for Winter.

For the last week my life has not been that exciting. I have been getting ready for a group presentation on Monday with my group, and have attended a movie night. Exciting...

The presentation is for the same class that I did the group critique for. The class got moved to Monday due to the prac teaching day most of the people in the class have on Wednesday. Anyway, yesterday was the final time the group got together to discuss the presentation before it occurs, and we should go just fine, I think. We are all on the same page and know exactly what parts of the presentation we are leading, etc, so it should all be good. :) We are doing our presentation on 'Gender in the classroom' and the guy in our group (the person that I have had afternoon tea with) has become known as the 'sexist cynic' of our group (just kidding...but, oh boy, he sure knows how to make controversial statements!!!) and if he comes out with some of the statements that he made yesterday in the presentation, I wouldn't be surprised if there was an uproar from the women in our class. We had morning tea at his place yesterday to finalise everything, and it was supposed to have started at 10:30am. Twenty minutes later and the other two in the group finally arrived. But hey! It was all good.

The movie night was held also at the guy's place who is part of the group. He is a 'Star Wars' obsessed. The first day the CD soundtrack came out of the movie, he had it. Sad, sad, sad...but the movies were fun to watch again. There were about six of us there sitting infront of the tellie watching Episode's I and II, and making wonderful comments about the scriptwriting of the love scenes and generally paying out Anakin. So much fun paying him out. We came to the conclusion that the reason why he turned to the dark side was due to him having an Oedipus Rex Syndrome. :) Great reasoning.
We started watching the movies at about 8:30pm and didn't finish watching them until nearly 1am, which is fine for me as I'm generally up until that time anyway. However, that didn't stop me trying not to yawn through the Anakin-Padme scenes! What were the scriptwriters thinking??? Or weren't they?? Question will never be solved, I think.
Two of the people who were watching it had never seen an epiode of 'Star Wars' (for shame) but they both enjoyed themselves (possibly due to the outrageous comments made sometimes by the people who had seen the movies numerous times) and are thinking of seeing Episode III when it comes out. I don't think that I can be bothered seeing it straight away (it will be packed cinemas for weeks!), but I am definitely not seeing the midnight session Wednesday/Thursday, having 6 hours worth of lectures on Thursday to attend. Woohoo... Episodes IV, V, and VI still rule in my book, though...and I think, no matter what, will always rule for the Saga.

I have finally found out where I'm going to prac, and that is Maitland, so I will be staying with my Uncle and his wife, which should be good, I think.

I have got my two artworks back from the SFK reps and one of them had some marks on it, as I thought they probably would. I tried to erase them, but one of them is in perminant pink...who know from what. least it isn't a bright pink mark, hardly noticeable in some lights...

Oh, and the price of petrol has come down a little bit since last night. Instead of being 116.9c/L, it's only 112.9! Oh joy, oh rapture! The oil price must have hit an all time record 'low' for that to happen. Yeah, right! But hey! It'll be nice to have the petrol at that price for a few days, at least. It generally doesn't fluctuated in Armidale as it does in Sydney.

Okay then. Nothing else to say, so seeya'!

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