Monday, May 02, 2005

Group critiques...the bane of my life at the moment

As you would have read, last week, onWednesday, I had a group critique to present with two other people. Well...

It started off just fine. Two out of the three of us were the ones that began the critique, with the other one just hanging back until his 'part' in it. Well, I tried to get the other person who was starting with me to do what I wanted them to do, but as this was probably their first ever Education Faculty presentation, they weren't quite sure what they were supposed to do. But it turned out well, the class were talking, and the readings were being brought in through questions that related, rather than asked whether they had read the readings.

Then the person that hung back started their bit of the critique. They didn't critique, they lectured. When it had been going for about five minutes, I felt my brain going to mush, and I was trying to keep up so that I could place relevant comments in at the appropriate spots, but I just made a mull of that, so I stopped. His 'lecture' went for about twenty to twenty-five minutes (a good part of the presentation - only goes for about forty to fifty minutes at the most), and we, the other presenter and I, really only wanted him to shut up from about half way through onwards. He turned our brains to mush, and we had to turn our peers' brains back on afterwards! That was tough...

However, I hope that we will be able to recover our lost marks (yes, we have lost marks due to the poor critiquing that occurred...and the poor interaction with the class - not getting the class involved! HELLO!!! I had them involved when I was leading the discussion...but anyway!) during this Wednesday's or next Wednesday's tutorial period. Oh, please let the marks get better! I really didn't like the sound of what our lecturer said this morning about it. Oh well...

Oh, and Art and Craft...I don't know still whether either of my art works have been put in, but if they have, I really don't think they will get anywhere. I've seen a couple of the sketches and they look pretty impressive. Oh well...again...

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