Monday, September 13, 2010

'The Host' by Stephenie Meyer

So, to continue reading Stephenie Meyer novels...

If you didn't know, I've been reading 'Twilight' for the last six months. It didn't take me that long, I've just been reading and re-reading it for that time. I was tossing up whether or not to read 'The Host' after finishing the saga, but didn't want to try finding it at the local library.

Today, though, that has changed. The school at which I work had the book in their library. Problem solved! I borrowed it from there. (I didn't want to try at the local library because I knew I wouldn't be able to get the chance to - it would be out already and bound to have a waiting list.) Anyway, I was searching for the next 'Percy Jackson' novel - which I found with the help of the librarian - and borrowed it and 'The Host' until after the school holidays. One whole month to try reading it.

My first thought was "Gee, it's a big enough novel, don't you think?" But then, I believe it is a complicated story, and worth reading all of it. I've only just started and read up to chapter 3. Am looking forward to getting further into it when I have the time. It might even replace 'Breaking Dawn' as the novel beside my bed that I read of a night...Then again, probably not. Love that one too much. Especially the ending. Last two and a bit pages are my favourite bit of the novel.

Anyway, I'm rambling now. Will write more about it when I've read further. And I'll try not to give the story away.

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