Saturday, December 02, 2006

A new Season, a new Picture

I thought that it was about time that I put my new found skills of sorting out photos into action and changed my picture on my blog for my profile. Also, this is certainly a more recent photo. It was taken in April of this year at my graduation. As my friends would say, it was about time. The other photo was taken so that I could send something in to the Department of Education and Training when applying for a job. Definitely older.

The weather has certainly been getting warmer around here in the last two weeks. We had about four days of absolute coolness while some students came and visited from a Sydney University, an then it warmed up once they left. We've been, I think, getting an average of about 35*C everyday. Not exactly cool. But I'm getting used to it again. You just have to put away the cold weather gear and pull out the summer stuff from the moth balls. Not quite. Today the sun was scorching at morning assembly (around 5 to 9), so we knew we were in for a hot one.

Anyway, enough about the weather. My new lounge is very comfortable. And so, farewell! Until next time.

P.S. - 21 days until I fly out to England!!! I'm not getting excited or you can tell.

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