Monday, January 29, 2007

Boxing Day (Part One)

One of the first places we went to on Boxing Day was the Marble Arch, near Hyde Park, London (just in case you got it confused witht he Sydney one, and was wondering what drugs I was on!). I liked my brother's explanation as to why there was a marble arch: they had some left over marble from completing all the other buildings, so they decided to make another monumental thing out of marble. I liked that one - thanks, Pete. It's a nice little arch, though, and worth just to wander and see it if you have nothing else to do (at 10 in the morning).

As you can see from the bottom photo, Peter (my brother), had a fun time trying to 'kick the pidgeons' while at the Marble Arch. Not really. He just likes chasing after pidgeons, still...Which shows you can never grow old from some things. Sorry, Peter - it was just too good to resist.

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