Wednesday, November 24, 2004

It's meant to be close on Summer...

And it is still as cool as the beginning of September. Oh least last week there were a few very warm days...Anyway...I haven't written on here since Rememberance Day, so let's see what I can tell you about life at the moment...

Well, life is going on, as normal, here in Sydney, Australia. Nothing exciting is happening, in other words.

Practicum is continuing on in it's normal fashion, with kids trying to get away with bad behaviour, and me not always being able to get them to behave. What's new? :)

Year 9 were particularly bad today. It was the last two periods of the day, and, well, they were just rather feral, and not wanting to do anything. They have homework for Monday, and I'll be checking. Muah, ha, ha, ha, haaaaa!!! Too bad for them, if they haven't done it. :>

Anyway, choir practices are a bit of fun, and funnily enough, another teacher from the History department (this time) was in the same choir until about two years ago. This world is getting a bit smaller every day. It's not fair. 'I don't like it...''s not that bad, I suppose.

I go on holidays in about two weeks. A little less. Hopefully I'll be able to pick up some work during the period before Christmas, and some during January and February - give me some money for Uni books, etc.

Next year, I don't know what I'm going to be doing with myself for half of Uni. I have four subjects (compared to the seven I had this last semester), and one of them is a prac. That means three subjects...and one of them is external. Which means two subjects internal, which will probably equate to about four or five hours Up Top each week. I don't really see the point of being in Armidale, except I need to be there.

Anyway...enough with the work stuff. Seeya'...

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