Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Social Time is Approaching...

So it's come to the 'social/busy' time of the year...if you can call it that.

Christmas. People start planning parties, trips away, get togethers, and any other form of mingling they can think of for this time of the year. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy going out and socialising. It's great. It's just going to be busy from here on in with getting things done - no doubt we can all feel that way.

Take - for example - what I have coming up:
1. Go to a retirement party for my Head Teacher this Thursday, 2nd December.
2. Go see Muse on the 10th December.
3. Write my Prac Student's report by the 10th December...lucky I've been writing hints and tips down each lesson, like you should...
4. Go to the Street Christmas Party on the 11th December, or is that the 4th?
5. Go see U2 on the 13th December.
6. Make 3, if not 4, Christmas Cakes by the 15 December - and I haven't even got the ingredients yet for them...
7. Help get a box of goodies together for people in need.
8. Go to the work Christmas Party on the 16th December.
9. Get three assignments done for my 'Rome' unit before the 23rd December. (Hmmm...better get stuck into that tomorrow.... Chapter/whole book critiques...and I'm not good at critiquing...)
10. Have a family Christmas on Christmas Day, as well as whenever my brother, his wife and their two children can join us - be it Christmas Day, Boxing Day, or some other time...
11. Leave for Rome on the 30th December.
12. Have three books read for 'Rome' unit before heading off to Rome....well that's just not going to happen: I'm not that quick a reader...

Okay, so the list turned into something more than the socialising side of life, but it shows that December does get busy. The Rome trip is to do with University, which is the 'Rome' unit I talk about.

Anyone just as busy? I'm sure there are lots of you out there.

Where's that Procrastinator's Diary when you need it?


Kacey Martin said...

I'm sure you'll have a great time!

Don't stress - your plate might look full but seriously if we can get through a list as long with two kids I'm sure you'll be fine! Of course I was feeling a bit more confident because the kids caught colds but yep we've got a huge list of xmas stuff. We have at least three family xmas celebrations, plus relatives we have to visit because they can't come to us, playgroup xmas, work functions, santa photos etc. my three uni units (two law one theatre so heaps of tests and assignments over summer some due right after xmas) and Matt still has the usual work stuff (reports marking etc). Over 1400kms of travel.... If I list it all I'll give up! lol

Nelle said...

Oh boy! Kacey, take a breath and I hope that all goes well for you over Christmas! :-D Good luck with it all!

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