Monday, August 30, 2010


So, most of my life I've listened to classical music. Had to learn it for grade piano, and listened to it mostly because of the parents. Weird way to start a post? Yes, I know, but keep reading, and it shall become more clear (hopefully).

When I started reading 'Twilight' I read the acknowledgements and thanks (yes, I'm one of those people who actually reads those pages - anyone else do that, too?) and kept noticing the band Muse being mentioned over and over again as a thanks for inspiring the writer. As I had only noticed in passing that this band had one song in the 'Twilight' movie (which I thought was great until I read the book) I didn't really know much about them. I was like "What is with this band? What is so good about them that she keeps thanking them? Puh-lease?!" That has changed quite a bit...

I started checking them out on YouTube (thank you, you wonderful site!) - finding the songs that Stephenie Meyer put up as her songlists to go with the books. I found 'Starlight' first of their songs, and have loved it as one of my two favourites since. 'Invincible' and 'United States of Eurasia/Collateral Damage' are two others that I can easily listen to over and over again for an hour each.

One reason why I love their music so much is because of the piano work, and how well it fits in nicely with the bass and drums - as well as any other instruments they have in that piece. The 'Exogenesis' pieces are terrific for listening to for the piano in them and 'United States of Eurasia/Collateral Damage' has a rendition of Chopin's Nocturne in Eb within it - one of my favourite pieces to play on the piano (and one that I can play really badly at times). Listening to their music seems to relax me more than my usual favourites of MatchBox20 and U2. Maybe because they seem to include a lot of classical structures into their songs, especially in their latest album 'The Resistance'. It isn't obviously classical if you didn't know the composers, but there are instances where Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky and Gershwin are very prominent in Muse's music, and they are just the ones that I can recognise easily.

That is one reason why I now own five of their albums (none of the live show ones), and am impatiently waiting for them to come to Australia in December when I can finally see them live.

Well, if you hadn't guessed, since first checking them out back in late May (though I had the books of the 'Twilight' series since early-mid April, I thought that I wouldn't get sucked into the blackhole of 'Twilight' insania) I have become quite a big Muse fan. Hence this blog. I am wishing the wait was over already. Oh well - only another three and a bit months until the concert. Woohoo....kind of...

Okay, before I freak you people out anymore, I'll quit there.

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