Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I have never been a fan of coffee. Anyone who knows me well would tell you that. So, why am I writing about it, then, you ask? Well, last night, I decided that I would put it to the ultimate test. Well, no, not really. I put it to a certain test. I thought I would try a mocha, just for the sheer and utter heck of it! What could be wrong with trying a whole mocha? I would either hate or not mind it, or really like it, I guess.

After putting three sugars in it, I could finally take a sip of it without turning my nose up at it. Then again, it was a tall one - think medium is good for future reference. Two sugars is all I ever need to get me high.

Overall, I didn't mind it. Me being a big fan of chocolate (especially hot chocolate in Florence on a really, really cold afternoon/evening in Winter) the mocha was a good choice for a first attempt. I don't think I'll go any further than that - or at least, not for a while. Hmmm... I might go out and get another one tonight...

Ciao for now!

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