Monday, September 04, 2006

Once again, into the breach...

Hello again, anyone that has bothered looking at this blog. Nothing exciting happening is the correct title for it, indeed.

I have finally got the internet to work totally and completely on my computer after a slight mishap when I first set up. But it's alright now.

Some news since I last blogged:

I have been at my school since February, doing alright, getting along well with the staff, and having the usual troubles with the students. But that's to be expected. The town is small, but friendly and nice. I enjoy being out here, and having my own place. I have people come to visit and I'm fairly close to a majr regional centre, so that's alright - it's only 140kms away. Plus, I have a friend out towards that centre, so I get to see her fairly often.

I get to go home every holidays. That's good too, to see the family and the pets, and everyone I get to catch up with. I don't get to catch up with them often, though.

A few of my friends have got engaged to be married, and two of them are getting married these holidays coming (got to love being friends with other teachers...). One on the Labour Day holiday weekend and the other on the weekend afterwards. I am going to the one on the first weekend which will be good because I haven't seen this couple since my 21st. We have been in contact, though. E-mail is a wonderful invention.

I will be going overseas to England, France, Germany and the USA at the end of the year and into the New Year. Travelling over with my father to see my biggest brother and his wife for Christmas.We then travel on to France to check good ol' Paris out, and then go back to London. After that we leave for Germany (Munich) and the New York, Washington and Hawaii. Back home to Sydney after that. It is a very busy schedule, but I hope to enjoy it. I'm sure to be exhausted afterwards, though.

Anyway, long enough post for now. Ciao!

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