Well, during the last two weeks I have been doing my practicum at Maitland, and it has been going well. I have had the supervision of five classes (one year eight, two year nines, and two year tens)(maybe this is the time to mention that there are only two classes for each year in high school, too). It has been good to practice in a small school in a suburban region, but I can tell that, because the kids have been pretty good, I'm going to get into a few bad habits that I would not likely develop in a state school. Anyway...enough about that.
The last you knew about the group critiques, my group had to do it again. Well, we did it, and we did it just fine. Apparently we got 8/10 for it, which is tremendous, considering what we got the last time round. And considering my group for the presentation got 23/25, I'm going to pass this thing afterall (hopefully - I still have the essay to complete and hand in).
Anyway, I'm home for this long weekend, which is good. I'm not getting any of the work done that I wanted to do, but it is good to be home and have time with family, and just relax for a moment. Also, see the chiropractor and get a few adjustments done. That was very good too, even though I'm not sure that they have stayed.
Okay then. Nothing more, really, to talk about. Seeya' round.